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Requested translations - Annapolis

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Target language

Results 1 - 9 of about 9
Source language
Portuguese O valor que eu te dei
Não há manual nem dicionário que explique o tamanho do valor que eu te dei.

Completed translations
English The Value I've Dedicated to You
Source language
English If every living being knew
If every living being knew that there'd be positive consequences for their actions, perhaps misfortunes wouldn't happen. The irony is that all it requires is finding peace within oneself and discovering something worth living for.
I'm a female, and this text is intended for all readers.

Completed translations
Hebrew שלום
Source language
English You're so fake
You're so fake, that even Barbie is jealous.

Completed translations
Hebrew זיוף
12Source language12
Portuguese O amor que sinto por ti
O amor que sinto por ti é tanto, que faço apostas comigo mesma procurando um ponto de apoio e ânimo que me encoraje a lutar no decorrer do meu percurso no caminho da conquista do teu teimoso coração.

Completed translations
Spanish El amor que siento por ti
English My love for you
Italian L'amore che provo per te
Dutch mijn liefde voor jou